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Rosen Publishing & LevelUp Reader

Rosen Publishing has been producing educational materials for over 70 years. LevelUp Reader brings the Rosen Library to children around the world in an adaptive, online learning platform.

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Classroom with Kids Learning

Rosen’s LevelUp Reader, a division of Rosen Publishing and Rosen Classroom, is the new digital classroom platform that serves students. Rosen Publishing is an independent educational publishing house that was established in 1950 to serve the needs of students with high-interest, curriculum-correlated materials. With years of successful independent publishing in the school and library space, Rosen has since branched out to provide solutions from Rosen Classroom.

Rosen Classroom’s commitment to delivering the most up-to-date and relevant resources to students and educators has initiated our technological expansion in the classroom. Our publications live in numerous formats: Print, eBooks, Interactive eBooks, Subscription Databases, and now two Digital Classroom tools.

Rosen Classrooms specializes in:

  • Online resources and instructional materials
  • Standards-based, nonfiction leveled readers
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Explicit instructional materials
  • Effective, flexible professional development